
Thursday 20 September 2018

partner yogar


WHAT: partner yoga challenge
WHERE: inside Room 7
WHEN: Monday 17th September 2018, in the morning, first thing in the morning
WHO: Room 7 students
WHY: have fun
HOW: miss had a slideshow, kids in partners.

Flexible, splits, lift, push, hold yourself up, hold hands, clasp hands, grip, hips, shoulders, balance, fall, collapse, tumble, flattened,

 Roll, got into partners, move the furniture away,
Miss explained what we were doing
First pose -  easy, happy, going to get harder, confused, confident, trust and feel comfortable with partner

Making shapes with our bodies
Keeping calm, trying your best
Which ones did you try AND FAIL? The chair
Which ones were really HARD? Was the last one

 Most complex or difficult poses..
Which ones did you try AND FAIL? The love heart
Which ones were really HARD? Last one

 My favourite one was..
The hardest one was…

Monday 17th September 2018. First thing in the morning room 7 did  partner yoga challenge. Miss Ashley told us to get into buddy’s my partner was Isaia my friend. Miss ashley said to spread out me and isaia went to the corner of the room.

The first picture we did was we had to sit down and hold hands. then look up on the roof it was easy but then it got harder we all had sit down for the next photo. Miss did another photo but we had to make a love heart with your arm’s and you had to stand up we all sat down again.

Miss put a new photo on. It was hard cause you had to make a triangle with your legs then you had to hold hands at the same time. Me and Isaia couldn't do the next one.Some  people did it but i didn't know how to do it. It was nearly time  for the next Picture. Me and Isaiah were sitting down on the mat waiting for the next picture to come. The next picture we did was we had to bend your body on the floor then your buddy came and lay on your back it was very very  sore cause my back was hurting.

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