
Tuesday 11 December 2018

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Freestyle writing

WALT:Freestyle writing an image
Today my teacher was miss komor because my teacher went to a sports event my teacher asked us to write a story about a picture.this is what i wrote.tell me what you think in the comments below.

The wind rushed through her hair as she descended the mountain at the greatest speed. for most children this will be an exhilarated evan terrifying experience but for lucy it was just ordinary. journey to school

She lives in the mountains with the bears. when she got to school everyone will bully her do so she back up to the mountains and never came back???????.

Monday 3 December 2018

Wednesday 21 November 2018

fidget spinner's should be allowed in class

                   Fidget spinner’s
I belive that Fidget spinner should be not allowed in class because they stop people from learning and they won't listen to their teacher

I disagree that fidget spinners should be allowed in class because people won’t learn and everyone will be distracted.

I agree that fidget spinners should be allowed in class because they can help me control their hands so they don’t hurt others.

My first reason is The fidget spinner should Be allowed in school Cause  If you fight you can straight away bring the figet spiner out of you pocket and then fidget with it.

My second reason is
My third reason is

In my opinion fidget spinner should not be allowed because they will show it to each other and not listen to the teacher.

Although I have spoken about how fidget spinners can distract students, they do have a good side. My next opinion is that fidget spinners will help people calm down if they are angry.

Perhaps if fidget spinners weren’t invented, a fidget cube still exists so the problem would still be there.
Every kid should know how to swim

I belive that every child should be able to learn how to swim at every school.

I agree that children should learn how to swim because NZ has lots of beaches and you might drown.

In my opinion, it is the responsibility of both the school and the families to teach their children how to swim.

Clearly it is important for every child to learn to swim. However, it can be very expensive if you go to the pools. In light of this, it is free for all NZ schools to teach their kids to swim.

Maybe every child in the whole world should learn to swim because when they have no food to eat they would not Be able to swim at the Beach So they can go diving and catch them some fish for There family

Wednesday 17 October 2018

partner yoga

Today 17th of october It was raining evrey one was running inside. Room 7 did partner yoga miss Ashley said to the girl’s to “push aside the tables and the boys put the chair’s and the back”. Miss Ashley said “are you ready” room 7 repliad “yes miss”.

Miss Ashley put up the next photo it was easy because
You had to put you legs in the middle then you had to hold hand’s. The next one was pretty hard cause you lie down and then you have to put your knees up then you partner come’s she/he face’s you body up.

The next one is you have to have three two have to put knee’s together then the theered person has to do  hand stand on you knee’s.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Monday 24 September 2018

how to edite

Here is our edited story.
Things we learnt about were
We aren’t allowed to use then, and, also and because at the beginning of a sentence.
Speech marks go on the OUTSIDE of the full stop or other punctuation.
The end of a sentence can be marked by a full stop, an exclamation mark or a question mark. You don’t need to put an extra full stop after a question mark.
Remember to check ALL capital letters. Sometimes we need to put them in and sometimes we need to take them out.
On Monday 24th September 2018 Room 7 did a blindfold challenge. We wanted to have fun and make our morning a bit interesting by playing a game.

Firstly Miss Ashley told us the rules which was “no touching the tables or pieces of paper on the floor or you will lose points.“  However you are allowed to touch the chairs because you sometimes have to step over them to get to the end. Next we got into buddies. My buddy was Lucina.  We had to line up by the heater in our buddies.

First it was my turn to go so Lucina (my buddy)  put the blindfold on me (over my eyes) and helped me to stand up. The blindfold was tight it felt like a constrictor boa on my face. I felt so confused and disorientated because the blindfold was covering my eyes. Lucina told me to “go left, right, straight and step over.” I was feeling nervous and a little bit scared because “what if she was tricking me?“ and I was really doing something silly. I got to the end safely and took my blindfold off.

Next it was my buddies turn so I helped her put the blindfold on. I told her to walk straight first, then next turn left. She doesn’t know her lefts and rights so she went the wrong way.I said “no your other left” and it was a little bit funny. In the end we got to the blue fruit tray and we made it without losing any points!

I think I would like to do this activity again because it was cool to do something different and fun in class especially since it’s the end of the term and I think we are all feeling kind of tired.

Thursday 20 September 2018

partner yogar


WHAT: partner yoga challenge
WHERE: inside Room 7
WHEN: Monday 17th September 2018, in the morning, first thing in the morning
WHO: Room 7 students
WHY: have fun
HOW: miss had a slideshow, kids in partners.

Flexible, splits, lift, push, hold yourself up, hold hands, clasp hands, grip, hips, shoulders, balance, fall, collapse, tumble, flattened,

 Roll, got into partners, move the furniture away,
Miss explained what we were doing
First pose -  easy, happy, going to get harder, confused, confident, trust and feel comfortable with partner

Making shapes with our bodies
Keeping calm, trying your best
Which ones did you try AND FAIL? The chair
Which ones were really HARD? Was the last one

 Most complex or difficult poses..
Which ones did you try AND FAIL? The love heart
Which ones were really HARD? Last one

 My favourite one was..
The hardest one was…

Monday 17th September 2018. First thing in the morning room 7 did  partner yoga challenge. Miss Ashley told us to get into buddy’s my partner was Isaia my friend. Miss ashley said to spread out me and isaia went to the corner of the room.

The first picture we did was we had to sit down and hold hands. then look up on the roof it was easy but then it got harder we all had sit down for the next photo. Miss did another photo but we had to make a love heart with your arm’s and you had to stand up we all sat down again.

Miss put a new photo on. It was hard cause you had to make a triangle with your legs then you had to hold hands at the same time. Me and Isaia couldn't do the next one.Some  people did it but i didn't know how to do it. It was nearly time  for the next Picture. Me and Isaiah were sitting down on the mat waiting for the next picture to come. The next picture we did was we had to bend your body on the floor then your buddy came and lay on your back it was very very  sore cause my back was hurting.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

bungy jump

I felt brave on the titanium bridge. I saw a deeb volcano it was boiling hot . The bridge was tilting then i was suspended above active volcano . i looked down and saw lava bubbling. I felt like a chicken roasting. I lunched down then i felt like in was going to die.i came back up like rushing up like super man.i bounced up and down like a bouncy ball.i fell down on the titanium bridge then i said “i am never doing that again”.

Friday 14 September 2018

writing good intro's

WHO: Room 7
WHAT: played the maths game
WHEN: Thursday 14th September
WHERE: in the hall
WHY: to practice our maths skills
HOW: we walked there, in teams of 6.

Bad Intro:  Room 7 played the maths game. It was Thursday 14th September 2018. We were in the hall. We did it to practice our maths skills. We walked there and we were in teams.
*notice how the information are all in separate sentences* - don’t do that, it’s boring to read.

On Thursday morning (the 14th September 2018), Room 7 walked out the to the hall to play the maths game. Room 7 plays this game so we can practice our maths skills and have a bit of a running around break.
*Put the information into sentences TOGETHER. Much better to read*

WHO: Me and my family
WHAT: went to the beach
WHEN: Saturday 8th September
WHERE: Mission bay
WHY: to have fun and enjoy the sunshine
HOW: drove in the car
Intro: on saturday 8th of september me and my family went to mission bay to go to the beach  we drove and sang some. When we got there i was so exited. we had fun so much fun

WHO: me and my best friend
WHAT: went to the movies and had lunch
WHEN: on Sunday 9th September
WHERE: Sylvia Park
WHY: for my birthday
HOW: mum dropped us off in the car
Intro: on sunday 9th september me and my BFF. went to The movie’s at sylvia park to go to the movie’s it was fun cause we wachted mama mia for my birthday.

WHO: Me and my family
WHAT: went to nana’s house
WHEN: after church on Sunday 9th September
WHERE: nana’s house in Panmure
WHY: to have lunch together, help plan for cousins 21st party
HOW: drove in the van

Intro: on sunday 9th of september me and my family went my nan’s house’s to have lunch together and help plan for my cousin’s 21st  birthday party


climate change video

museum trip


WHAT: went to the museum
WHO: Rooms 5,6,7,8. Parent helpers were Lisi and Harriet.
WHEN: Wednesday 12th September 2018.
WHERE: Auckland Museum, The Domain.
WHY: Our inquiry topic is about natural disasters, so went to see the volcano room.
HOW: bus.

  • Did the roll and go into groups - went to the hall. Our parent helpers were Lisi (Lily’s mum) and Harriet (Reigns nana). Mrs F talked to us. Got on the bus.
  • Morning tea, put our bags away, museum people told us the rules.

  • Ancient stuff - century, clothes
  • Maori court - waka, treaty of waitangi, weapons, greenstone, taniwha, tattoo, Marae took a picture. Take our shoes off. Bone. taiaha.
  • Pasifika stuff  - Moana boat, Tonga sign photo, touching the water.

  • Volcano room - shaking, screamed, laughed, rock statue, pumice, obsidian, basalt, lifting up the rocks, musical rocks hit with the hammer, fake volcano and ash cloud, Pompei lady, lava bomb, lava tree, lights flickered, watching the news,
  • Weird and wonderful - kids playing with bones, turtle shells, spiders, kiwi, coloured, cool camera thing, stairs with bean bags, soft animals, fake bats.
  • Dinosaur room - shark hanging from the roof, bones, fossils, eggs, cave, birds, bats. Took a class photo. Kiwi. wetas. Insects. Snakes.

  • War stuff - weapons, massive torpedo in a fake submarine, guns, gun noises playing, lots of names of people who died in the wars, aeroplanes - Spitfire and a Zero. prime ministers and presidents pictures. Hitler. World war 2 - benghazi, alamein, allies and axis. Badges that people wore or they earnt. Telephones that you could listen to people talking.
  • Butterfly room - coloured butterflies, took a photo of kids with the wings, getting hungry and tired.

  • Met down in the lobby, waited for the other classes, went to the field, ate our lunch, played games.
  • Went to the bus at 1.30pm.
  • Came back to school  - arrived at 2pm.

  • Exhausted but had a really good day.
  • My highlight was…..

WRITE HERE:  On Wednesday 12th September 2018.tamaki primary Room 5,6.7.8 went to the museum when we got there  were waiting for ten minutes .we were learning about natural disasters

We did the roll first then miss ashley told us “you can choose your own group but you have to listen to your adult”. our adult was lisi (lil’s mum) and harriet (reign nan) i was in my teacher miss ashley group me and my friends we got spit then we went to the hall so miss Fepuleai did her speech then we went on the bus.

When we got off the bus we had morning tea we were waiting and waiting then miss said everyone put you lunch back in you bag cause we are going inside when we got inside the intruder told us the rules mrs fepuleai was talking to the parent helper and the teacher. He fished saying the rules so as mrs fepuleai the first place we went to was the olden day staff. Like chairs, dress’s, cups, and couch we were reading the staff and it was interesting.

The next place was the Maori stuff. there was weapons, village, and a big waka. we went inside marae and  we had to take off our shoe’s.Miss said “let’s take a photo”. we took a photo then we put our put our shoe’s then miss said to get back in line. We went back in line

We went to the Pacific plase when we got there When we got there we saw Pacific names on the floor. Miss took a photo of us on the floor with the tongan sighn. there  photos of old people and they were Pacific.there was some wepones Tongan fan then we went to go see the wepones

Then we went to the last plase and i felt tied i was going to go to sleep there. There was so many butterfly’s i took a photo whith a butterfly.I was going to sleep in this hole But then Ms Ashley said to get out I didn't want to get out I was laying there until we went I didn't even look around. Ashley photos to get in line for lunch we went on the elevator. We have to go into groups I went with Lily's mum and. And some people went with red harrint and miss Ashley. When we went  down the elevator We waited for the teacher's to bring us back so we can eat. This man said “put your stuff back so we can go outside And eat heaps cause I was Thirsty and tired After I finished eating I played races whith my Friends paula,isaia, and timote I raced with different people I mostly lost At the race Then we had to pack up Pick up rubbish Then we had to go back in the bus so then we can go back to school when we went back to school we were in class then we have to write some ideas about what we saw and stuff.

Thursday 13 September 2018

museum trip


WHAT: went to the museum
WHO: Rooms 5,6,7,8. Parent helpers were Lisi and Harriet.
WHEN: Wednesday 12th September 2018.
WHERE: Auckland Museum, The Domain.
WHY: Our inquiry topic is about natural disasters, so went to see the volcano room.
HOW: bus.

  • Did the roll and go into groups - went to the hall. Our parent helpers were Lisi (Lily’s mum) and Harriet (Reigns nana). Mrs F talked to us. Got on the bus.
  • Morning tea, put our bags away, museum people told us the rules.

  • Ancient stuff - century, clothes
  • Maori court - waka, treaty of waitangi, weapons, greenstone, taniwha, tattoo, Marae took a picture. Take our shoes off. Bone. taiaha.
  • Pasifika stuff  - Moana boat, Tonga sign photo, touching the water.

  • Volcano room - shaking, screamed, laughed, rock statue, pumice, obsidian, basalt, lifting up the rocks, musical rocks hit with the hammer, fake volcano and ash cloud, Pompei lady, lava bomb, lava tree, lights flickered, watching the news,
  • Weird and wonderful - kids playing with bones, turtle shells, spiders, kiwi, coloured, cool camera thing, stairs with bean bags, soft animals, fake bats.
  • Dinosaur room - shark hanging from the roof, bones, fossils, eggs, cave, birds, bats. Took a class photo. Kiwi. wetas. Insects. Snakes.

  • War stuff - weapons, massive torpedo in a fake submarine, guns, gun noises playing, lots of names of people who died in the wars, aeroplanes - Spitfire and a Zero. prime ministers and presidents pictures. Hitler. World war 2 - benghazi, alamein, allies and axis. Badges that people wore or they earnt. Telephones that you could listen to people talking.
  • Butterfly room - coloured butterflies, took a photo of kids with the wings, getting hungry and tired.

  • Met down in the lobby, waited for the other classes, went to the field, ate our lunch, played games.
  • Went to the bus at 1.30pm.
  • Came back to school  - arrived at 2pm.

  • Exhausted but had a really good day.
  • My highlight was…..

WRITE HERE:  On Wednesday 12th September 2018.tamaki primary Room 5,6.7.8 went to the museum when we got there  were waiting for ten minutes .we were learning about natural disasters

We did the roll first then miss ashley told us “you can choose your own group but you have to listen to your adult”. our adult was lisi (lil’s mum) and harriet (reign nan) i was in my teacher miss ashley group me and my friends we got spit then we went to the hall so miss Fepuleai did her speech then we went on the bus.

When we got off the bus we had morning tea we were waiting and waiting then miss said everyone put you lunch back in you bag cause we are going inside when we got inside the intruder told us the rules mrs fepuleai was talking to the parent helper and the teacher. He fished saying the rules so as mrs fepuleai the first place we went to was the olden day staff. Like chairs, dress’s, cups, and couch we were reading the staff and it was interesting.

The next place was the Maori stuff. there was weapons, village, and a big waka. we went inside marae and  we had to take off our shoe’s.Miss said “let’s take a photo”. we took a photo then we put our put our shoe’s then miss said to get back in line. We went back in line

We went to the Pacific plase when we got there When we got there we saw Pacific names on the floor. Miss took a photo of us on the floor with the tongan sighn. there  photos of old people and they were Pacific.there was some wepones Tongan fan then we went to go see the wepones

Then we went to the last plase and i felt tied i was going to go to sleep there. There was so many butterfly’s i took a photo whith a butterfly.I was going to sleep in this hole But then Ms Ashley said to get out I didn't want to get out I was laying there until we went I didn't even look around. Ashley photos to get in line for lunch we went on the elevator. We have to go into groups I went with Lily's mum and. And some people went with red harrint and miss Ashley. When we went  down the elevator We waited for the teacher's to bring us back so we can eat. This man said “put your stuff back so we can go outside And eat heaps cause I was Thirsty and tired After I finished eating I played races whith my Friends paula,isaia, and timote I raced with different people I mostly lost At the race Then we had to pack up Pick up rubbish Then we had to go back in the bus so then we can go back to school when we went back to school we were in class then we have to write some ideas about what we saw and stuff.

Friday 7 September 2018

Climate change vocab

Friday 17 August 2018

Thursday 9 August 2018

earthquake impacted

  • What is an earthquake? a sudden violent shaking of the ground, typically causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
  • Why do earthquakes happen? earthquek are usually caused when rock underground suddenly breaks along a fault.
Crust - plates - converging, diverging, continental and oceanic
  • Where do Earthquakes happen?  earthquek occer all the time all over the world, both along plate edges and along faults.
Ring of fire
Examples of Earthquakes
  • What is the impact of Earthquakes?
  • Earthquake envierment effects are the effects caused by an earthquake on the natural environment,
What happens to cities and buildings
What happens to people

  • What was the strongest earthquake ever? The 1960 Valdivia earthquake or Great Chilean Earthquake
  • How are earthquakes measured? (magnitude, richter scale).

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Friday 27 July 2018



When Paula started Fortnite, he jumped off the blue flying bus. He sniped 5 people as he walked towards the Tilted Towers. He stayed there for a while, and he left and walked towards Loot Lake. A big circle appeared in the sky and he knew he had one minute to get into the middle of the circle. He sprinted and got there just in time. There were 16 people left and then he started sniping people, and he got 12 kills.

Paula kept running looking for materials and weapons to help him.
L : He went into the house and he found a treasure chest and turned around. The treasure chest was empty. He heard somebody outside and he knew he was trapped.
P: He looked around and he  saw a gun and he went to go get it. “I need to kill the others!” he thought to himself. He smashed the table so he could build a little house to hide in. He went inside the house and stayed there to rest.

Paula kept running searching for more people to kill. When he went outside he heard whistling then he looked around then that’s when he saw a rocket.
L: He hid in the house and all of a sudden everything was black. The rocket had found him.  
P: He ran away and kept running. He outran the rocket and survived.

As he was running, he saw a gun hiding behind a bush cause somebody got killed. He walked over to pick it up and it was a…

Feeling tired, he rested while hiding behind a tree. All of a sudden he saw...
L: only one person left and then i spotted him but then he snippered me.
P:I saw the last person breaking the houses down so I got the minigunImage result for orange justice gif and killed him, so I got victory Royal so I did the orange justice.